The concept for Channel 15 Radio (dot com) comes from the feature story, The Ambassador. There are 15 lead characters. The name seemed perfect for the idea that we were producing an audio show in the style of an old time radio drama.
In the real world, Channel 15 is a CB channel open to everyone and a Maritime channel – receive only for emergency beacons. It’s also a digital channel for TV.
The idea that we might reach a little further and bring a few more people into the conversation is part of our concept, too. In our first year, we managed to get listeners in 36 countries and 236 cities. We hope you like our shows.
From “The Ambassador: Chapter 6 – The Old Guard”
B’ani had been listening carefully. She leaned towards Maru and whispered, “She doesn’t have a plan, does she?”
“I don’t think so, not yet,” Maru whispered shaking her head.
B’ani shook her head. “Oh great. “We’re out in here wherever that is and…,”
Maru grinned and shrugged. “Sit back and enjoy the show?”
B’ani leaned back in her chair and held out her hand. “Where’s the popcorn?”
They both giggled.

Tell me a story
of princesses and kings
with swords and jewels
and magical things
where the heroes could be me
and the tales they tell
of worlds far away
carry me home.